Other Recommended Silken Windhound Breeders
The list of breeders below are other recommended silken windhound breeders. I have either worked with the breeders directly, and or have personally met them and like what they are producing. This list is not all inclusive and other great breeders are out there.
Sunera Clayborn Mick Jagger, Sunera Clayborn John Lennon, Attaway-Kinobi Rumba
Clayborn Silken Windhounds located in Parker, Colorado ——————- http://claybornkennel.com/
Obsidian Silken Windhounds located in Riverton, Utah —————— https://www.facebook.com/groups/231111846054338
Firebird Silken Windhounds located in Falcon, Colorado — https://firebirdsilkenwindhounds.com/
Tangaloor Silken Windhounds located in Washington State ————- http://tangaloor.net/
Talisman Silken Windhounds located in California ———————- http://www.talismanhounds.com/
Satsuma Silken Windhounds located in Oregon ——————— http://www.satsumakennels.com/
Attaway-Kinobi Silken windhounds in Ohio ——————— http://kinobiborzoi.net/
Solo silken Windhounds in Connecticut ————————— https://solosilkens.weebly.com/
Laelaps Silken windhounds in Texas —————————— https://www.laelapshounds.com/about-us
Kristull Silken windhounds in Texas —————————— https://www.silkenwindhound.com/
Silken Agents of CS Beck in Pennsylvania ——————— https://silkenwindhoundbreeders.com/
Redshift Silken Windhounds in Colorado ————— https://www.facebook.com/Redshift-Silken-Windhounds-106579190977096/
Additional breeders may be found at the following website —— https://silkenwindhounds.dog/breeder-list/
UKC CH Kristull’s Dressage “Eevie” R.I.P